Category Men, Based in Old St, Nationality Australian Swedish, Provides Outcall Massage Services
I am powerful build fit man 6ft 2 103 kgs
Ex high level rower and wrestler.
I give strong deep tisssue massage
Private studio at old sr , near tube.
Strong hands
Deeply calming massage.
You will feel deep relax ,calm
Also posture assessment
posture correction and alignment.
I am also masage therapist at private gym club,
Mma fight club and bodybuilding gym
Deep tissue masage
Posture rehabilitation , stretch work
Cranial massage.
5 years massage experience.
Massage restores reconnects calms.
12 to 830 pm 7 days.
Hour £70
90 mins £90
First session imcludes posture assessment ,allow 2 hrs.
Personal training private studio.